Is Homeschooling Better? – Exploring the Surge in Popularity

parents choose why to homeschool and if homeschooling is better for their child

Have you heard that the numbers of homeschooling families is exponentially increasing?  Even if you think homeschooling would never be right for you- you may want to think again! Let’s explore WHY the rates are increasing and WHAT is drawing families to this alternative mode of education. 

Is Homeschooling Becoming More Popular?

Yes, it is true that homeschooling numbers have exploded. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the number of homeschooled students in the United States has increased from 1.7% of the school-age population in 1999 to approximately 6% in 2022.  Maybe that 6% figure doesn’t seem that staggering to you. But that equals 3.1 million students- just in the United States alone! Homeschooling is now the fastest growing form of education, as compared to public and private school enrollment. 

Can you believe that?! On one hand, homeschooling is the most classic form of education- it’s how children were educated for millennia. However, homeschooling often carries a host of negative stereotypes, generally related to it being antiquated, so it’s fascinating that it continues to become a popular choice for many families.  

Why Are People Choosing To Homeschool?

There are a host of reasons why a family might choose to homeschool. Most often, people think that parents who homeschool do so because of religion reasons. And that is certainly true for a subset of the homeschooling community. But it’s not what’s fueling the rise in popularity of homeschooling today.

So why homeschool?

  1. Dissatisfaction with other school optionsMany parents choose homeschooling due to dissatisfaction with traditional school options. They may have concerns about large class sizes, insufficient individualized attention, or bullying and safety concerns.
  2. Want a more personalized approach to educationHomeschooling allows for a tailored educational experience. Parents can design a curriculum that fits their child’s unique learning needs, interests, and strengths. This personalized approach can lead to a more engaging and effective educational experience, fostering a love of learning and better academic outcomes.
  3. Seeking a religious focus for their child’s education- Some parents prefer to integrate their faith and values into their child’s education. Homeschooling provides the flexibility to include religious studies alongside conventional academic subjects.
  4. Seeking a nontraditional method to education– Many parents are choosing child-led learning and real-world experiences over a structured curriculum. Parents who believe in experiential learning or who wish to incorporate travel and hands-on activities into their child’s education may find homeschooling to be the ideal choice.

Is HOmeschooling better for my child?

Homeschooling can provide numerous benefits to your child, such as:

  1. A tailored education where you child gets a more individualized approach where they can excel as quickly as they are ready
  2. Homeschooling can help you save money if you are unhappy with the public school options in your area but the private school tuition is out of reach
  3. More free time to spend doing things that interest your child or enjoying that time learning as a family. Studies suggest that although children are in a school classroom for approximately 6-7 hours per day, only about 2 hours of that is spent on actual instructional time. So many homeschoolers are engaging in structured learning for only 2-4 hours per day (depending on age), which frees up a lot of time to do other things. 

What you should keep in mind when weighing a homeschooling decision

  1. What resources exist for you and your child? Are there homeschooling groups and meetups in your community? Do you know other families who are homeschooling? Are you already an active member of your community where you and your child can continue to socialize?
  2. Do you have the time flexibility to be at home with your child for a large portion of the day? Will you be participating in any homeschool co-ops or hybrid learning environments?
  3. How comfortable do you feel with teaching your child new things? Do you generally enjoy learning and exploring alongside your child?
  4. How do you think your child will thrive in a homeschooling environment? Do you have any prior schooling experiences to draw from? What is your child’s learning style and do they have any special needs that will need to be considered? 
  5. What rules and laws does your state require of homeschooling families?
  6. What are your long-term educational plans for your child? How does homeschooling fit into those plans?
  7. Are there financial restraints you will need to work around when homeschooling? While homeschooling is much cheaper than a private school tuition, there are still supplies and curriculum that often need to be purchased.

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There is an incredible amount of school choice today, and it’s often overwhelming to parents. Do you choose public school, private school, homeschooling, or something even more radical! At The Education Breakdown, we are here to empower YOU to discover the best educational fit for your child. Join us today! Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the most up-to-date info about our podcast episodes, downloadable FREEBIES, and more blog posts to guide you on this journey.

2 thoughts on “Is Homeschooling Better? – Exploring the Surge in Popularity”

  1. Pingback: POdcast: Think Homeschooling Isn't For You? Think Again. - The Education Breakdown

  2. Pingback: Podcast- Homeschooling: Let's Get Personal - The Education Breakdown

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