Is Montessori School Expensive?

Are you interested in finding a Montessori school for your child, but worried about the potential cost? There are several different types of Montessori schools available in today’s world (and HINT: some of them are FREE!). 

Before we dive in, if you’re still trying to determine whether Montessori is something that’s totally right for your child, be sure to check out these resources to help you understand more of the nuances about Montessori and to learn about when it can be a great educational fit:

In This Article We Discuss:

Different Types of Montessori Schools

  • There are 4 main ways to expose your child to a Montessori education. This list is ranked in order of popularity, or how many students participate in that style of education:
  1. Private/Independent Montessori Schools
    • This is by far your most common type of Montessori school. Most private Montessori schools will offer a toddler (ages 1-3) and an Early Childhood/Primary classroom (ages 3-6). Some Montessori schools will offer an infant classroom, a Lower Elementary classroom (grades 1-3), and Upper Elementary Classroom (grades 4-6), and very few Montessori schools offer classes beyond 6th grade.
  2. Charter Montessori Schools
    • There are many Montessori Charter schools today and they are only growing in number. There is a national organization called The National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector. They open a lot of charter schools across the nation (though not all of them) and they provide resources and training for Montessori charter teachers and administrators.
    • Charter schools are public (free) schools that typically operate on a lottery system
  3. Magnet Montessori Schools
    • Magnet Schools are specialized schools that operate within a local public school district. A Montessori Magnet School will likely still follow the standard course of study and examination schedule as the public schools in your area but with a focus on using the Montessori method and materials instead of traditional methods. This option is also FREE but often uses a lottery system as well.
  4. Montessori Homeschooling
    • There is a quickly growing number of Montessori homeschool families, thanks in part to social media and things like Pinterest. There are numerous ways for parents to become educated about the Montessori method and how to implement that within their own home. If you’re interested in learning more about these options, check out Child of the Redwoods and The Kavanaugh Report

Cost of Montessori School

As mentioned above, many Montessori schools are completely FREE- those that are magnet schools or charter schools. For private Montessori schools, the cost varies depending on what area of the country you reside in. The average range for a full day Primary Program (the ages 3-6) is between $10,000-20,000. While you may find schools that cost more or less than that, please read on about things to consider when choosing a Montessori school.

Considerations When Choosing A Montessori School

  1. Is the school accredited? While accreditation is not the end-all-be-all, it does give you an indication of how strictly the school is adhering to foundational Montessori principles. There are 2 main accreditation bodies for Montessori schools:
  2. Teacher training and experience– Ask the school about how its teachers are trained and how many of the teachers are fully Montessori trained.
  3. The atmosphere and feeling of the classroom– Spend time in the school that you are considering. Even if the school is accredited and the teachers are trained, you want to ensure that the place feels warm, inviting, and well-run.

For more in-depth information about evaluating Montessori schools, check out our podcast episode with Jesse McCarthy of Montessori Education– it’s full of great information from a trained Montessori teacher and trainer himself. 

Easy Way to Find a Montessori School Near you

This amazing map-based tool is extremely easy to use and you can select whether you are interested in public or private Montessori schools. After you make your selections, it will show you a map of  the Montessori schools near you.

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